A unique approach to support employee mental health through community connection and creative expression.
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MixLife’s creative and social approach removes the stigma barrier and engages employees in new and inspiring ways, leading to high rates of utilization, monthly active users, and user satisfaction.
The MixLife platform maximizes outcomes at a lower cost than 1:1 support by leveraging the effectiveness and efficiency of group learning and community support.
Our evidence-based creative approach, designed by mental health experts, results in significant improvements in wellbeing, connection, confidence in self-expression, and more.
of workers report mild to severe anxiety or depression.
ForbesEstimated annual cost to US businesses from lost productivity due to loneliness.
CignaAmount of productive time lost during the typical workday due to mental health issues.
ForbesEvidence based group curriculum designed by mental health experts focuses on social wellbeing and the therapeutic power of creative expression.
Dynamic and engaging facilitators combine their talent with unique MixLife training to maximize wellbeing and connection outcomes.
Connect through shared experiences!
Feature rich tech platform designed for creative collaboration brings people together and enhances a sense of belonging.
Reported reduction in perceived stress.
As measured by PSS4Reported improvement in overall wellbeing.
As measured by a modified version of MHC - SFReported increases in feelings of belonging to a community.
As measured by MHC - SFMixLife has created a psychological safety and sense of community and belonging with their model of group sessions and in-app activities. It has immensely enhanced my sense of wellbeing, resilience, and connection at work. I feel that this program is truly making a difference in the experience of work and enriches my sense of meaning in my life as a whole!
Through the MixLife process, the class started opening up and becoming more comfortable and confident in expressing themselves. The instructor kept the energy high while also making everyone feel comfortable. At the end, everyone felt more connected with each other, and 90% of the class reported that the MixLife process improved their wellbeing.
So often, you're just rushing from meeting to meeting. There's always an agenda. There's an objective and things to do action items.
MixLife helped me recharge so that I can do my other hard work better.
I got so much out of the social aspect of MixLife, making music together really makes a difference.
The music skills I learned through MixLife have changed my life at home and helped my night time routine.
MixLife helped me recharge so that I can do my other hard work better.